Tuition and Fee Definitions
Where Your Tuition and Fees Go - Summer 2025
A resident undergraduate student taking 15 credit hours pays a total of $6,100.20 in tuition and fees. This table shows the amount and use of the total of tuition and each fee.
For information regarding the cost of attendance, please visit the Cost of Attendance page.
Fee | Uses | Amount | Amount for 15 SCH* |
Tuition | Statutory Tuition: The rate is set by the legislature for resident and nonresident students. | Statutory Resident - $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) or Non Resident - $460/SCH - Displayed on bill as $50 base and $410 differential. | $750.00 |
Designated Tuition: Faculty & staff salary positions, new academic programs, other strategic initiatives, and financial aid. | Designated - Traditional $257.36/SCH or Guaranteed Price Plan $288.24/SCH | $3,860.40 | |
Designated Differential Tuition: Billed to students enrolled in undergraduate courses offered by listed colleges to support educational enhancements and program costs. | McCoy College of Business - $20/SCH College of Science and Engineering - $20/SCH College of Health Professions - $20/SCH | ||
Graduate Increment: Board authorized and is used to provide support for graduate programs. | Graduate Increment - $50/SCH |
Mandatory Fees
Fee | Uses | Amount | Amount for 15 SCH* |
Athletics Fee | Athletics scholarships, operations, and facilities improvements. | $22/SCH | $ 330.00 |
Bus Fee | Operate shuttle buses. | $95 per semester | $ 95.00 |
Institutional Services Fee | Funds critical support services and infrastructure which allows for continued support of existing services and operations and allows for expansion of programs and services. | $48.72/SCH UDGR $72.50/SCH GRD | $ 730.80 |
Medical Services Fee | Basic operations of Student Health Center | $53 per semester | $ 50.00 |
Recreational Sports Fee | Operate and maintain Rec Sports and Campus Rec operations | $94 per semester | $ 94.00 |
Student Center Fee | Operate and maintain Student Center | $100 per semester | $ 100.00 |
Student Service Fee | Activities that involve or directly benefit students that are separate and apart from regularly scheduled academic functions. Includes student government, student cultural activities, artist & lecture series, University Star, KTSW, and student programming (such as Career Services and Counseling Center) | $10/SCH up to maximum of $90 | $ 90.00 |
Total Tuition & Fees | $6,100.20 |
Note: Does not include lab fees, textbook/BookSmart fees, off campus fees, or electronic course fees.
Other Fees
Electronic Course Fee: An electronic course fee of $50 per hour will be charged for courses taught via the internet or hybrid instructional method. This fee covers the cost of development and maintenance for courses taught online.
Off Campus Fee: All students enrolled in classes held at off campus locations are required to pay $30 per hour that will help defray the cost of services provided at these locations.
BookSmart@TXST: A fee of $261 per semester for Texas State's digital textbook program that provides undergraduate Bobcats with quick and easy access to all materials for their academic courses.
Course Repeat Fee: In order to compensate for this loss of state funding, students attempting a course for the third or more time will be charged a course repeat fee of $410 per semester credit hour for each repeated course.
Excessive Hours Tuition: Texas Education Code ยง54.014 specifies that resident undergraduate students may be subject to a higher tuition rate for attempting excessive hours at any public institution of higher education while classified as a resident student for tuition purposes.
McCoy Graduate Program Fee: A fee of $150 per credit hour enrolled will be charged to students admitted to the McCoy College of Business Administration graduate degree programs.
Late Payment Fee: A late payment fee of $65 is charged the first business day after the final payment due date of the semester.
Late Registration Fee: A late registration fee of $25 is charged during the late registration period prior to the first day of classes. A $100 fee for registration following the initial due date up until the seventh class day and $200 after the seventh day of class.
*Late Registration fees cannot be waived.
Orientation Fee: New freshmen and transfer students may have the orientation fee deferred to their student bill. This fee is charged to cover the cost of providing mandatory New Student Orientation sessions.
Payment Plan Enrollment Fee: A non-refundable fee of $30 is assessed to enroll in a payment plan (for handling & other processing).
Returned Item Fee: A fee of $30 is assessed for processing each returned check.
International Students Operations Fee: International students with an immigration status of "F-1" or J-1" will be charged an international student operations fee in the amount of $85.00 for the maintenance of records, compliance with government regulations, and services for non-immigrant students.
International Student Health Insurance: International students with an immigration status of "F-1" or J-1" are required to have health insurance while enrolled at the university. The insurance fee will be billed to the student account. For waiver information and more, please visit the F-1 and J-1 International Student Health Insurance webpage.
Lab Fees: Lab fees are charged for courses with labs. Please see individual course listings for lab fees.
Fees for Auditing Courses: Where auditing a course is permitted, all fees will be the same as if the course were taken for credit.
*Senior citizens, 65 or older, may audit courses without payment of a fee if space is available. Registration is permitted just prior to the start of the semester. Please speak with the Tuition Adjustment Clerk, Student Business Services Office (JCK 188), before going on CatsWeb to register.
Tuition and fees are subject to change by legislative or Board of Regents action and changes become effective on the date of enactment.